
    School Safety

    Over the past several years, the Board of Education and staff have been focusing on improving safety structures, communication and training at RGS. There is nothing more important than school and community safety, and the district continuously reviews and updates our processes, in order to provide a safe and secure learning environment and prepare for any situation. We are pleased to share the RGS Focus on Safety, highlighting our commitment to the safety of our students, staff, families and greater community.

    Secure Entrances

    The school entrance has a buzzer system to allow a visitor into the secured vestibule which prevents a visitor from entering the school or school office unless granted access. All glass in the doors and windows of the vestibule are tempered shatter resistant glass.

    Panic Buttons

    The school is equipped with panic buttons that dial directly out to police and/or fire for the quick ability to summon emergency support.

    Security Cameras

    Cameras are located within and outside of the school building. Cameras allow for footage to be reviewed for safety purposes and the River Grove Police Department can access the video feed.

    Interior Door Locks

    In 2023 all door locks were replaced on classrooms and offices so that the doors can easily lock from the inside in any type of emergency, without the need for a key.

    Safety Team

    Each year the administration meets with Police and Fire Department representatives to create a Safety and Crisis Plan and schedule the safety drills. First responders attend the school drills for support

    Threat Assessment Team

    RGS has a schoolwide Threat Assessment Team, including administrators, teachers, social workers and a School Resource Officer. The team has a process in place to address any type of threat made against an individual or the school.

    School Resource Officers

    River Grove School District partners with the River Grove Police Department to provide a safe school, and community. The Resource Officers are often present at arrival and dismissal to provide a positive presence, they meet with students and provide lessons related to how to keep themselves safe both in person and on social media and they provide support in crisis situations.

    Health and Safety Training

    Teachers and Administration are trained in CPR, First Aid and use of an AED every other year. The Administration is also trained in Crisis Management.

    Safety Drills

    The school holds all required emergency drills, including Fire, Bus Evacuation, Shelter in Place, Hard Lockdown, Active Threat (staff only) and an Evacuation Drill. First responders attend the safety drills for support.

    Crisis Plan/Evacuation Plan

    The school has developed an overall Crisis Plan with protocols on how to approach a variety of situations. An Evacuation Plan is in place in case of a controlled or an emergency evacuation of the school. Students and staff would evacuate and convene at offsite locations. The staff practices how and where to evacuate. If a larger reunification process is necessary, the Leyden area schools would work together to manage the safe and controlled reunification process.


    Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an approach to supporting students’ success in schools. PBIS supports all students through intervention ranging from a school-wide system to a system for developing individualized plans for specific students.  School-wide PBIS focuses on the development and implementation of pro-active procedures and practices to prevent problem behavior for all students and improve school climate.

    CHAMPS is a classroom based plan to encourage responsible behavior and prevent misbehavior using positive, proactive and instructional methods. It is directly aligned to the school-wide PBIS approach.

    Anonymous Reporting

    RGS Anonymous Reporting Link for Students


    Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week

    Student and Family Resources

    988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - provides 24/7 free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or loved ones and best practices.